Hero Inset


Plan ahead for the future.

river in the forest

Think ahead.

We offer 3 different Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and Education Savings Accounts (ESA). Each account has it’s own unique tax advantage to fit your retirement strategy.

Traditional IRA

Why go Traditional?

Your deposits and dividends with a Traditional account are tax-deductible. While your withdrawals are subject to federal and state taxes, your Traditional IRA may provide an immediate tax benefit.

Who is this account great for?

A Traditional IRA is great for those expecting to be in a lower tax bracket when they retire.

Key Tax Advantage:

Contributions made into the account are tax-deferred until retirement.

Roth IRA

Why a Roth IRA may be your style?

All your contributions into your IRA will be taxed – allowing you to enjoy tax-free withdrawals upon retirement age (assuming the account has been opened for at least 5 years).

Who is this account great for?

A Roth IRA works best for those expecting to be in a higher tax bracket when they retire.

Key Tax Advantage:

Contributions made into the account after taxes allow any distributions to be tax-free at retirement.


IRA Certificates

TermDividend RateAnnual
Minimum Balance
to Open/Obtain
Annual Percentage
IRA 6 Month4.03%4.10%$500.00
IRA 9 Month4.03%4.10%$500.00
IRA 1 Year4.07%4.15%$500.00
IRA 15 Month4.07%4.15%$500.00
IRA 2 Year3.83%3.90%$500.00
IRA 3 Year3.83%3.90%$500.00
IRA 4 Year3.83%3.90%$500.00
IRA 5 Year3.93%4.00%$500.00
Rates are subject to change without notice once the account has been opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Stated minimum opening balance is required to obtain Annual Percentage Yield on all deposit accounts.

IRA Variable

TermDividend RateAnnual Percentage YieldMinimum Balance
to Open/Obtain
Annual Percentage
IRA Variable2.80%2.84%$0.00
Rates are subject to change without notice once the account has been opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Stated minimum opening balance is required to obtain Annual Percentage Yield on all deposit accounts.

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