Digital Banking

Digital Banking

Easily review your checking and savings accounts, set up money transfers, schedule automatic payments, manage personal finances, and more.
- View and enroll in eStatements
- Set up eAlerts to protect and track your spending
- Transfer between multiple deposit accounts & pay loans
- Schedule one-time or recurring bill payments with Bill Pay

Better Functionality
A uniform, seamless experience – no matter the device. Whether you access your digital banking via computer, mobile, or tablet, you will experience the same look, feel, and functionality.

Financial Wellness Resources
Credit management suggestions, score monitoring, real-time updates, and goal tracking.

External Account Options
Link external accounts to easily view your balances from your dashboard. Use our functional Transfer & Pay tab to complete internal and external transfers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to re-register?
Our current and active digital banking members will not need to re-register. Follow the First-Time Log In User Guide for steps on how to login.
What information do I need to provide if I am enrolling for the first time?
Current Username & Password, Social Security Number, & Zip Code.
Will I need to download a new mobile app?
Yes, our new Dirigo FCU app will be available for download in your mobile device’s app store.
Will the online address be different?
Yes, the new online URL is
What if I currently share my login credentials with another individual on my Dirigo account?
The new platform will assign the Username to the primary account holder’s SSN. If a joint account holder would like unique login credentials, please contact us for registration support.
What if I currently use multiple sets of login credentials for different Dirigo accounts?
The new platform is “SSN-centric” which means each member (determined by Social Security Number) will have one set of access credentials which will allow you to see all accounts with which your SSN is associated. The only exception will be for business accounts, which will maintain separate credentials. For those members that have multiple Usernames, please select the most active username to login for the first time. You will have the ability to see all of your Dirigo accounts in one place, with one login! If needed, you can use the Forgot Username tool to determine your Username or contact us for assistance.
What information will transfer over from the previous platform?
Member Information | Yes, member email, address, phone number will be transferred to the new platform |
Username | Yes, and can be edited as needed |
Password | No, will need to be reset |
Internal Transfers | Yes, all existing transfer records will be transferred |
Account Nicknames | Yes, and can be edited as needed |
eAlerts | No, will need to be re-established in the new platform |
Bill Pay Payees | Yes, all existing payees will be transferred |
eStatements | Yes, enrollment status will transfer and can be edited as needed. Prior statements will be available in the new platform (up to 18 months) |
How do I change my password?
Select the Forgot Password link found at the bottom of the digital banking login page, choose the communication delivery method for your verification code (email, SMS text, or voice call), enter 6-digit PIN, and create a new password.
What do I do if I am locked out?
Call Dirigo Federal Credit Union at 1.800.281.5435 and speak with a Member Support Specialist to unlock your digital banking account or reset your password by clicking the Forgot Password link found at the bottom of the digital banking login page.
What are the username and password requirements?
- Minimum Length – 6
- Maximum Length – 40
- Allow Alpha, Numeric, and Special Characters
- Minimum Length – 8 Characters
- Must Include a Number, Uppercase Letter, Lowercase Letter, and Special Character
What accounts will I have access to?
Members will have access to their primary and joint accounts. With one login, you will be able to see your primary and joint loans and accounts with full access to manage and complete transfers.
Will everything I have set up today be set up on the new platform?
Members will not lose functionality from our current digital banking platform. The convenience and functionality gained will provide an enhanced experience with more options to customize and conduct your banking.
What is quick balance?
A quick balance allows you to view your account balances without fully logging into your digital banking account. It’s a quick and easy way to check your balance while you’re in line at the store or before you swipe at the register!
I am being prompted to enroll in Digital ID. What is it?
Digital ID is an expedited method to verify your identity when you contact the Credit Union for assistance by phone. Rather than ask you a number of questions to confirm your identity, we will send a prompt to your mobile device for quick verification and faster service.
Can I set up one-time and recurring transfers?
Yes. You can customize your transfers and select frequencies such as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. You can choose from internal or external accounts and can cancel at any time.
Can I transfer to another member’s account at Dirigo? Will they see my account number?
To transfer to another member’s account, you must enter an accurate account number. This information will need to be provided to you by the member themselves. Once established, you can transfer to this member anytime!
How long does it take for an external transfer to process?
An external transfer can take up to 2 business days to process. Keep in mind that business days do not include weekends or holidays.
How do I transfer to another financial institution?
Add an external account by selecting More Actions on the Transfers page of your digital banking account. Input the account and routing number manually or add instantly with your institution’s digital banking credentials. If adding account manually, please allow for 2 business days for your micro deposits to process. Verify the deposit amounts to enable the account to allow for transfers.
How do I make a mobile deposit?
From your mobile app, select the Deposit Check camera icon at the menu on the bottom of the page. Endorse the back of your check to read “For mobile deposit only at Dirigo FCU”. Select the account in which you wish to make the deposit, enter the amount of the check, and take a photo of the front and back of the check. Click to Submit Deposit and wait for confirmation. We suggest keeping the check for 14 days in the event of a failed deposit attempt.
Where can I view pending transactions?
Pending transactions will be displayed in the transaction history of each account. For pending debit card transactions, you’ll see POS Hold and the company name as the description (Example: POS Hold, Hannaford Supermarkets) along with the transaction amount.
How do I make a transfer/payment to another Dirigo member?
Use this feature to set up a transfer/payment to another Dirigo account of which you are not an owner. You will need the following information, which must be provided by the account holder.
- Member’s last name
- The member number
- Share or Loan ID (ie: -00, -71)
On your mobile device, click on Transfer & Pay option at the bottom of the screen and then the Add Account link. To set up an external transfer account from your desktop, go to Make Transfers and Payments > More Options > Add Account or go to Settings>Accounts> +Link an External Account and follow the system prompts. After successfully adding the account, you may save the account for later by checking Save Account for Future Use. Once it is saved, you will see it in the To Accounts on the Transfers screen. These types of transfers generally take 5 to 10 minutes to process.
Can I see my statements online?
Yes! Simply subscribe for eStatements via your digital banking account under the Accounts tab. You can view up to 18 months’ worth of your credit union statements. eStatements are available to download or print.
Can I see images of checks that have cleared my account?
Yes. Click on the check in your account’s transaction history and an image (front & back) will display.
What are the compatibility required of my computer and mobile device?
- Google Chrome: latest 2 versions
- Firefox: Latest 2 versions
- Microsoft Edge: Latest 2 versions
- Safari: Last 2 major versions
- iOS: Last 2 major versions
- Android: v7.0 and above
- Windows: Versions that are still supported by Microsoft and support a browser listed here
- OS X: Versions that are still supported by Apple and support a browser listed here
- Android: v7.0 and above
- iOS: Last 2 major releases
Can I manage my cards?
Visit Card Management under the Accounts tab to manage your Dirigo FCU debit cards. You will have the ability to set travel alerts, block, and re-order a debit card.
How do I enroll my business into Online Banking?
Select the Forgot Password link found at the bottom of the digital banking login page, choose the communication delivery method for your verification code If you have an existing log in you will enter your username and password; you will be prompted to change your password and provide required business information including your TIN/EIN when prompted. If you are establishing a log in for the first time, you will select that you are a business and follow the enrollment prompts. Being sure to use your TIN/EIN number.
Can I create a separate login for one of my employees?
Yes, as master business owner, you can create sub users and create permissions based on their role within the company. You can manage sub users from your digital banking account under the Business Services tab.
What services are available to me as a business owner?
As a business owner, you will have options to manage sub-users, have access to business reports, and request business wire transfers. These options are located under the Business Services tab from your digital banking Dashboard.
What is Co-Browsing?
A. Co-Browsing is a member support tool that we can use to help you navigate the new platform that will allow us to view/take control of your screen. It operates only within our application and does not permit our employees to other areas of your computer or mobile device. To get started, contact us by phone, we will then instruct you to obtain the Get Co-Browsing Code from the link provided in the footer of the application.
What is Savvy Money?
A. SavvyMoney is a free, powerful tool that helps you manage your credit and provides anytime access to your credit report. The monitoring features deliver email alerts if there is a change on your credit score or activity on your credit report.
This is a free service for our members, no purchase or credit card required!
How can I access my Intuit Quickbooks or Quicken tools with the new digital banking?
- For information and instructions on how to update your Quicken connection, please visit Quicken Conversion Instructions
- For information and instructions on how to update your Quickbooks connections, please visit Quickbooks Desktop Conversion Instructions or Quickbooks Online Conversion Instructions.
Here is the complete User Guide for your reference:
Contact us if you are unable to re-establish your Quicken or Quickbooks connection.
Contact us at 1-800-281-5435 for additional questions.
Balance Check
CALL 1-855-502-8176
Need to access balance information, make transfers, or manage your accounts while traveling or away from a computer? Use our secure automated phone banking system, iTalk!