Member Privilege

Member Privilege
Member Privilege is an enhanced overdraft service acting as a safety net for your checking account.

What is Member Privilege?
Member Privilege is an overdraft service requiring no action on your part and acts as a safety net for your checking account. Member Privilege may be available for checks and other authorized transactions drawn against your checking account. Authorized transactions include automatic bill payments, automatic withdrawals, or recurring debit card payments. Upon opt-in of the enhanced Member Privilege service, we may authorize and pay ATM transfers or withdrawals and everyday debit card purchases using your overdraft limit.
Overdraft: A deficit in an account caused by drawing more money than the account holds.
How does Member Privilege work?
When your account is in “good standing,” we may approve your overdraft items within your current available Member Privilege limit as a non-contractual courtesy. For overdraft privilege consideration, your account must be in good standing.
What are the eligibility requirements?
- Obtain a positive end-of-day balance at least once every 30 calendar days
- Avoid excessive overdrafts
- No outstanding legal orders, levies, or liens against your account.
How soon can I use my Member Privilege?
You may be able to use the Member Privilege service 30 days after the account is opened, assuming you demonstrate responsible account management by making regular deposits to maintain your account with a positive balance, and there are no legal orders, levies or liens against your account.
How can I access my Member Privilege?
- Writing a Check
- Mastercard Debit Card (recurring)
- ACH-Auto Debit
- Bill Pay
What is my Member Privilege limit? Can Member Privilege services be applied to multiple checking accounts?
All eligible checking account types have a $500 limit. If you have multiple accounts for your household, you are limited to one eligible account.
What if I go beyond my Member Privilege limit?
Overdrafts above and beyond your established Member Privilege limit may result in checks or other items being returned to the payee. The Returned Item NSF fee of $25 will be charged per item and assessed to your account. An NSF notice (Non-Sufficient Funds) will be sent to notify you of the items paid and/or returned.
What does Member Privilege cost?
There is no additional cost associated with this privilege; you pay for it when you use it. You will be charged our Member Privilege fee of $25 for each overdrawn item created by check, in-person check clearing withdrawals, an automatic payment (ACH) transaction, or a recurring debit card payment paid under the limit. Re-presented items that overdraw the account are subject to a separate fee. You will not be charged more than five (5) Member Privilege or NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fees per day.
How will Member Privilege affect my balance?
Preauthorized debit card transactions may be held in a pending status on your account affecting your “available” balance. Member Privilege fees on debit card transactions are assessed at the time of settlement based on your available balance when the transaction was authorized. Available Balance: The amount of funds in your account available for use. Actual Balance: The amount of funds in your account at any given time. It reflects transactions that have posted and cleared your account, but not items that are outstanding.
How quickly must I repay Member Privilege?
You should make every attempt to bring your account to a positive end of day balance as soon as possible and must do so within 30 calendar days.
Have Questions?
Please feel free to contact us by email or calling 1-800-281-5435.